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rapid fast keto boost smile on the face that comes through the door they're just different people for many the weight loss Ward is their very last chance [Music] skills around here the weight loss wound has been adapted to accommodate the morbidly obese with super-sized or z-axis beds and reinforced lose toilets do halt patients with but tensley stands a seat doesn't and the team have a hands-on approach to understanding what it's like to be fat 56 year old Doreen Thomas is the latest admission on the ward and it's her first stay away from home in 37 years I'm fading away faster at 4 foot 11 she weighed just over 31 stone at her heaviest can hear upland virtually housebound Doreen sleeps in her living room where she shops online diagnosed with depression and OCD she keeps a strict and honest food diary January then I had six chocolate cereal bars 20 past four I had another box just that could do so much better Zorin relies on her friend and carer Sharon to look after her every need to the other side her dog hope is also clinically obese so like this if you've died where does the dog go cause she adores I hope was put on a diet by the vet and had to lose seven kilos because she is our own worst enemy I'm worried about her here's a very very tired person but as long as she stays focused she could should lose substantial amount of faith but that instructed me that the dog needed to lose weight all right okay two days ago Doreen was put on a strict diet of three normal sized meals and no snacking and the weight loss team went to see if she can stick to this new regime for a week shouldn't talk today an absolutely lovely lady but I think there's a lot going on there and a year of the type of person that would turn to food is a carpet you are just going to find this week very hard because I don't do portion control at all all see how of course comes across as very happy and that normally rings alarm bells as well all the confidence you always think there's something going on in the background on the ward Doreen has to fit in with their daily routine has to be very anxious when they come into just need to give them quite a bit reassurance my idea of the order excellent it's inside out so if you just sort of pour it over me well do that's it tablets play I've just remembered that I haven't had
